In this short video, I talk about connections between Chinese Medicine as well as the typical personality types that have come to me over the last decade for help with wrist pain and carpal tunnel.
The wrists and ankles represent the 4 gates in Chinese Medicine where chi circulates through these areas to create flow. If someone is blocked at one or more of these gates, it can lead to feelings of being trapped. To me this connects to feelings of control via the arms. As in being a doer-type—someone who is constantly in a get-er-done place.
Correspondingly, it has seemed over the years that these are also folks who have a harder time receiving since they’re so accustomed to doing. A healing practice for this would be to focus and feel what it feels like to receive love with open hands in a hug or even snuggles with a pet. Another option is to do something creative with your hands and feel that nurturing come through your hands. On a daily basis this could even be something like cooking or gardening, not just artistic pursuits.
Give this video a watch and see what speaks to you to incorporate in your own life…