We’re finally at the plantar fasciia aspect of this plantar fasciitis course! I start with a couple of my favorite products you may want to invest in—one being a lovely foot massager. Imagine working on your plantar fasciitis by getting a foot massage with coffee or tea in hand!
We then go to some more esoteric ways of releasing your foot fascia in different directions to also loosen up the intrinsic muscles of the feet. Specifically, I have found that a lot of people don’t have proper bone alignment through the heel bones. The massage I show in this video is gentle and you can actually start to re-align those bones yourself. It will take time and your touch will sensitize so you’ll be able to feel those places better the more you try it.
After the self-massage, there’s several examples of how to fascially stretch your plantar fascia as well as the fascia of your toes!
Lastly, I suggest some ways to start engaging the deep muscles of your feet and arches. You may get some foot cramps initially, but I promise it gets better. Over the years I have found that those with plantar fasciitis leverage through tight skin to use their feet instead of tapping into the deeper muscles of the feet. This is extra important to work on, not just for pain relief, but because the feet muscles mirror the core muscles. Plus, strong feet and ankles mean you’re aging well and not shuffling your feet, which could lead to a fall. Who knew that feet could be the secret to a bathing suit body as well as keeping you from a falling-and-you-can’t-get-up situation?!